Postpandemic Trends in Luxury Real Estate

While many industries and companies have been hit by the pandemic, the luxury real estate market has grown and will continue to grow during 2022. Many wealthy buyers try to modernize the spaces in their luxury residences. They also prefer huge spaces and living outdoors, with more amenities and in more remote places. These wealthy consumers are expected to continue changing their property priorities...

MasterPrize™ 2021 Winners – the Best Architectural Projects

Architectural MasterPrize™ (AMP) rewards projects in the sphere of architecture, interior design and landscaping in order to increase the recognition of architecture worldwide. Each submitted design has been judged by AMP's highly respected jury and the best designs were selected. Winners 2021 THE ARC AT GREEN SCHOOL BALI Category: Architectural Design of the Year Company’s Location:...

Main Interior Trends 2022

Nowadays each of us is reviewing our way of life due to the global situation. This review mainly refers to our home and surrounding areas. During quarantine everyone learned how to like their homes. Now all are willing to arrange as much comfort around as possible - to arrange the atmosphere which complies with personal requirements and preferences. During 2020-2021 the Clients have been...

Investments into Luxury and Real Estate is a New Way of Life and Trend in 2022

Client’s value of the house where they live is important like never before, especially relating to their health-protection and protection of their family. We do believe that luxury is not just real-estate, but also a way of life, health, wealth, security and nature. As people start to give a new meaning to their way of life, the priorities in the luxury market change.  Assistants and their...

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