Main Interior Trends 2022

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Nowadays each of us is reviewing our way of life due to the global situation. This review mainly refers to our home and surrounding areas. During quarantine everyone learned how to like their homes. Now all are willing to arrange as much comfort around as possible – to arrange the atmosphere which complies with personal requirements and preferences.

During 2020-2021 the Clients have been expressing their willingness and desire to invest more assets into their houses and apartments – the places where they spend most of their time. According to research, 38% of people in the survey have declared that they are building from greenfields more than before pandemic hit, 26% of people are choosing roomier homes.
“As we see certain clients put forward their plans to build ‘second’ house because of uncertainty caused by pandemic hit”, says Cathy Purple Cherry, Architect from Annapolis. “People are willing to make their dreams come true just now more willingly, rather than expect the ‘right’ moment”.

Top Designers about the trends in interior design 2022
The neutral colours in furniture shall get a modern look in 2022.
Alessandra Wood, Vice-President of Interior’s Style in Modsy, said that people turn to alternatives in using traditional neutral tones in the interior.
“We see clients refusing from couches and lounge furniture of white, cream-coloured and ivory white colours in favor of more rich, neutral earthy shades, such as camel, grey-brown, cognac and sage colours”, she noticed.

In her opinion, these more warm colours may help people to create more comfortable dwelling areas.
Soft materials and soft tints
In the coming year the muted palette of basic tints remains relevant. “We thought that in 2022 the clients shall be interested in brighter colours, but, in fact, a calm palette is in priority” – says Lee Melchan, Interior Designer from New-York.
33% (over one third) of designers declared that ‘luxury comfort’ is the main trend and soft materials and shapes create a sense of well-being and coziness within house.

Durable materials and luxury in house
‘Durable materials and luxury in house is a growing tendency”, says Kati Curtis, Interior Designer from New-York. “Most of our clients have children, pets and they do not want to worry about spilled glass of wine or sofa’s clothing damaged by a pet. Fortunately nowadays there is a great amount of luxury clothings resistant to wear, so there is no need to give up luxury for functionality”.

Creating inspiring working areas
Pandemic hit has completely changed our idea about how to work. Most people have started work from home and stayed at their ‘home-office’ till now. Nobody knows how many such lock-downs there might be. Within the new epoch of hybrid time schedules the experts expect that in the nearest time they will be focused on renovation and modification of our working spaces. “Many clients requested to transform their living room into office during the pandemic hit”, says Peti Lau, Designer from New-York.
Even if your working space is quite small, it is important to surround it with elements you like, colours that give you energy, and textures creating comfort. Working space should be inspiring and beautiful. 
Correct zoning and efficient use of the areas are the key points which owners of small apartments should take into consideration. Quite often a mini office is arranged near the window by using the window ledge as the table surface. It is very efficient and comfortable. 

In coming year American antiques may arrive at many houses
In the coming year antiques shall replace modern furniture.
“Last few years we see the second birth of antiques”, says Caron Woolsey, Founder and Chief Designed at CW Interiors. “To my mind, in 2022 we’ll see that American antiques take central place in many houses interiors”.

Bedroom is relaxing rest area
For the last two years most of the people used bedroom area not only for sleep, but as the working area as well, due to the fact that they were not able to use separate room for such purposes. Next year the bedroom should be used according to its intended purpose. It should be used not as a working area, but as a quiet and relaxing place where one can recuperate and build up one’s strength. 
Bedroom is a rest area that’s why the main focus shall be on lighting calming by its colour palettes and textures. In bedroom design shall prevail neutral milky, coffee-coloured, pale pink and blush shades. Because of the absence of bright colours your eyes may relax and you may be in balance.
Heather Hackett, Design Manager at Christy, suggests using accessories and soft colour pattern in the interior: “Combine neutral colour of your walls with creamy, biscuit and oaten shades of your soft furniture. Finalize the image with plenty of rug blankets and carpets made of thick and cozy materials, such as wool, in order to create a cozy home atmosphere.”

All shapes in the interior become smooth. The beds with swan-neck and rounded corners, as well as chairs of more soft shapes become popular in 2022. They are considered more safe. 
It is not recommended to overload bedroom with furniture in order not to create an extra disorder. When choosing furniture try to choose natural materials. Those who like indoor plants may fearlessly use them indoors. Plants have a calming effect and purify the air. 
Beautifully arranged large windows shall provide rich daylight and significantly improve the atmosphere in your room. 

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