Investments into Luxury and Real Estate is a New Way of Life and Trend in 2022

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Client’s value of the house where they live is important like never before, especially relating to their health-protection and protection of their family. We do believe that luxury is not just real-estate, but also a way of life, health, wealth, security and nature.
As people start to give a new meaning to their way of life, the priorities in the luxury market change. 

Assistants and their Special Position
Nowadays the significance of real estate experts as reliable advisers and assistants is of high importance. 
In 2020 as experts we started to take a main position of efficient assistants to our Clients, providing confidence about their future. Since 2021 we have been studying technologies and practices in order to restart them by defining the main requests for those who invest and those who buy.
Health, Security and Wealth – from ‘Nice to Have’ to ‘Obligatory’
Today’s market suggests a lot of innovative possibilities to arrange your house and improve the healthy atmosphere in it. 
This can be proved by an increase of the number of residential houses with unique voice controlled equipment starting from house lighting up to yoga and spa areas. So called ‘smart house’ is equipped with different new ‘smart’ devices such as medical equipment, temperature control, air conditioning, air cleaners etc.

Nature and Privacy
For many people, especially for the last two years due to the pandemic hit, the possibility to spend time outside has become of vital importance. Such a way of life has a good effect on people’s health and wealth.
This tendency makes us look for real estate in areas far away from noisy downtown. Recreation areas meet such needs. One may go in for sport outdoors, wander in the woods etc. In general the real estate in huge green areas with picturesque views is of great interest for buyers and lessees. 
The main requests of luxury house buyers are privacy and confidentiality. The demand for improved and ‘green’ residences increases. The demand for the presence of gardens and terraces shall continue to grow. Namely these areas gave us a jolt of fresh air during quarantine.

New Practices for New Realities
That precise period of time which we overcame made us look for new ways of work and change our way of life. 2020 was the year of crisis and losses, but at the same time the year of great re-interpretation and reaction to the crisis. New possibilities arrived when working from home became usual practice.
As for luxury articles, the buyers started to review their expenses and overview what kind of dwelling and working spaces may meet their needs in the best way. 

Investments into Second House
Recent researches reveal among rich buyers those who leave metropolis in order to find hidden unique places to live. 
As a rule these are entrepreneurs, business managers or, in any case, 40-50 years old experts being able to work remotely and willing to live a healthy lifestyle.
Research in the field of elite real-estate shows that the demand for ‘second houses’ being at the same time like ‘shelter’ increases. One more trend which possibly shall become more popular in the nearest time is a new real estate ready to move-in.
Actually, most people refused to buy real-estate not ready to move-in during Covid-19 period due to the risk of long-term renovation. This fact may encourage investors to consider huge residential and commercial projects involving green and sustainable construction. 

Luxury Real Estate: Most Desirable Features of Ideal House
The pandemic has reversed the trend of the past few years to buy smaller houses, returning to larger sizes.
For instance, outdoor and open spaces took first place in the luxury top-list: from large courtyards to outdoor pools, from patio to garden, from all season covered terrace to open spaces suitable for living at any time of year.
Another important requirement is offices and rooms for work, home office spaces that can provide quiet areas even to families with children. This demand is likely to grow in the coming years.
Saunas and hamams, as well as small spas are becoming especially in demand alongside picturesque, beautiful views.

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